Corporate Educational Programs

SHARE Cancer Support’s Pink and Teal Seminar Program provides enlightening information about breast and ovarian cancers presented in your corporate workplace.

At this 1-hour FREE seminar, your employees will:

  • Learn about breast and ovarian cancers from the unique perspective of survivors.
  • Learn about risks, treatments, early detection, doctor-patient relationships and much more.
  • Become empowered patients.
  • Have the opportunity to ask questions.

At the end of the program, participants will be inspired and motivated to be proactive while in good health as well as in the event of a health crisis.

Companies we've reached

Since the Pink and Teal Seminar Program began in October 2009, almost 4,000 men and women have attended the seminar.

Pink and Teal Seminars have been presented to employees at many companies, large and small, including the The Federal Reserve Bank, Disney/ESPN/ABC, JPMorgan, Verizon, Skadden Arps, Hearst, Loews, NY Magazine, MasterCard and the FDNY.

What they are saying about us

"What a wonderful event! I am still not quite sure how you have all managed to get all that information into a one hour event – it was so informative. All that attended were happy they did. Thank you for coming; it was a pleasure to have you."

Patricia Schaffer-McGrade

Office Manager, Ted Moudis Associates

Read more testimonials

Give your employees a gift

Schedule a Pink and Teal Seminar and empower them to be their own advocates for good health. For more information or to book a seminar, please contact Arlene Matlick at 212-221-1593 or

SHARE Cancer Support gratefully acknowledges the generosity and support of the 2015 sponsors of the Pink and Teal Seminar Program, who fund this program.

Want to learn more? Download the Pink and Teal Booklet.

Read our FAQs on Pink and Teal Seminars.

Please call Arlene Matlick, Manager of Pink and Teal Seminars, at (212) 221-1593 or email her at to schedule a seminar or to request more information.
A Pink and Teal Seminar runs a full hour including Q and A.
Like all of SHARE's services, a Pink and Teal Seminar is free.
We only need a conference room or space large enough to accommodate the attendees. Although some companies do provide lunch or other refreshments, there is no requirement to do so. We do not need any special equipment although you may consider videoconferencing a live seminar to employees at other sites
A Pink and Teal Seminar is a free, corporate presentation about breast and ovarian cancer awareness that can be held in your office.
Through the unique perspective of healthy survivors, employees learn how to become advocates for their own good health and the well-being of their families. Information includes symptoms, risks, risk reduction, diagnosis, screening, good doctor patient communication and much more. Our speakers dispel myths and bring the fear level down a notch. Employees also have the opportunity to ask questions and at the end of the program, they are motivated to be proactive while in good health and especially in the event of a health crisis.
All attendees will receive a Pink and Teal booklet designed to accompany the presentation. It is an excellent resource tool and is edited by several doctors and updated and published by SHARE annually.
Although lunchtime is the most popular time requested, we can offer a seminar at whatever time works best for your office. Seminars are offered year round, Monday through Friday.
Any of your employees, colleagues or clients (men and women) are welcome to attend.

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