Black Women and Endometrial Cancer: Let’s Talk about Incidence, Mortality Rates and More

September 7, 2022

Did you know that endometrial cancer is the most commonly diagnosed type of gynecologic cancer in the United States? Incidence of endometrial cancer is on the rise, particularly among Black women, and Black women are nearly twice as likely to die from endometrial cancer as white women. Please join us to learn more about the signs, symptoms, and risk factors of the disease. We’ll also talk about inequalities in diagnosis and care that Black women often experience, as well as the more aggressive tumor types that they can face.

Here are some key takeaways from this webinar:

  • Uterine cancer incidence rates are almost the same among White women and Black women; however, Black women are twice as likely to die from uterine cancer as White women.
  • It’s important to pay attention to any bleeding as this can be a sign of uterine cancer. . Also, Black women have a higher incidence of fibroids which can be associated with bleeding, and this can lead to assuming that the bleeding could be related to the fibroids and not something else.
  • Know your body and family history; see your health care provider early if there’s a problem, ask questions.
  • The participation of Black women in clinical trials is very important as it will help expand overall knowledge of their tumor types and disease process.
  • Donating tumors for research purposes may help with advancing treatment for aggressive types of endometrial cancer that Black women often face.

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