Planned Giving
Planned gifts provide resources that create extraordinary opportunities and preserve your future while also achieving your own financial objectives.
You can make a gift by:
- Adding SHARE as a beneficiary of your:
We encourage you to consult with your legal and financial advisors when considering a planned gift.
Please let us know if you have included SHARE so we can thank you and list you as a member of the Legacy Society.
Contact Athena Efter, Associate Development Director at or 212-937-5581.

Bequests and Trusts
You can leave a bequest to SHARE Cancer Support in your will in several ways:
- Specify a dollar amount.
- Designate a percentage of your estate to be given through your will or living trust.
- Give only what is left after all your bequests to loved ones have been made (the "residual").
- Provide for a gift of stocks or other securities.
- It is also possible to name SHARE as a contingent beneficiary of your estate if your named beneficiary is no longer alive at the time your will is probated.
Sample bequest language:
“I give and bequeath to SHARE: Self-help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer, presently located at 165 West 46th Street, Suite 712, New York, NY 10036, the sum of $___, to be used for breast, cervical, ovarian, or uterine cancer support.”
Federal Tax ID # 13-3131914
If you have any questions about making a bequest or establishing a trust, please call Athena Efter, Associate Development Director, at or 212-937-5581.
If you don’t need help in your planning and do include SHARE, please let us know so we can thank you and list you as a member of the Legacy Society.
We encourage you to consult with your legal and financial advisors when considering a planned gift.
SHARE is a member of Community Health Charities and a 2016 Top-Rated Nonprofit by Great Nonprofits.
Retirement Accounts
Name SHARE as Beneficiary
If you would like to make a gift to SHARE, naming SHARE as a retirement account beneficiary is potentially very beneficial for both you and your heirs. Contributions to an IRA or other qualified account have grown tax-free within the plan. If left to an individual, these funds may be subject to both estate tax and income tax, thus significantly reducing the amount of money your heir will receive. If the funds are left to a charity like SHARE, these taxes are usually avoided, often resulting in a more significant gift than you might otherwise be able to make.
All you have to do is to name SHARE: Self-help for Women with Breast or Ovarian Cancer as your sole or partial beneficiary on the form available from your retirement plan’s administrator. You retain complete control over the funds or assets in the account while you are living, and these gifts are completely revocable.
Make a Charitable Gift During Your Lifetime
The law allows people 70 1/2 years of age or older to make a total maximum gift of $100,000 to one or more qualified charitable organizations directly from an IRA — without incurring taxes that a withdrawal typically entails. Gifts must be made directly to the charity and may not be given to donor advised funds, private foundations, or supporting organizations.
The information that should be included about SHARE is:
SHARE Cancer Support
165 West 46th Street, Suite 712
New York, NY 10036
Federal Tax ID # 13-3131914
If you do make SHARE a beneficiary, please let us know so we can thank you. Please contact Athena Efter, Associate Development Director, at or 212-937-5581.
We encourage you to consult with your legal and financial advisors when considering a planned gift.
SHARE is a member of Community Health Charities and a 2016 Top-Rated Nonprofit by Great Nonprofits.
Life Insurance
Life insurance policies are an easy and often overlooked way to make a significant charitable gift. There are a number of ways to support SHARE’s many programs with an insurance-related gift:
Make SHARE a beneficiary
It is simple to change the beneficiary/beneficiaries of your insurance policy without changing your will or other aspects of your estate plan. Just ask your insurance company for a form that will allow you to make SHARE a beneficiary of some or all of your insurance policy. You retain complete control over the funds or assets in the account while you are living, and these gifts are completely revocable.
The information that should be included about SHARE is:
SHARE Cancer Support
165 West 46th Street, Suite 712
New York, NY 10036
Federal Tax ID # 13-3131914
Give a paid-up policy
Do you have a paid-up policy that has outlived its intended purpose, such as protecting a child or a mortgage? You can donate the policy to SHARE.
We will then surrender the policy for its cash value. You receive an immediate income tax deduction for the gift of the policy up to the cash basis, or what you paid for it.
Make SHARE the owner and beneficiary of a new policy
You can take out a new policy and make SHARE the owner and beneficiary of the policy. Premium payments are tax deductible. They can either be made by SHARE from your annual contribution for this purpose or you can pay for the policy directly. This process enables you to make a manageable annual tax-deductible payment that provides a significant contribution to SHARE when the policy matures.
The information that should be included about SHARE is as follows:
SHARE Cancer Support
165 West 46th Street, Suite 712
New York, NY 10036
Federal Tax ID # 13-3131914
If you do make SHARE a beneficiary, please let us know so we can thank you. Please contact Athena Efter, Associate Development Director, at or 212-937-5581.
We encourage you to consult with your legal and financial advisors when considering a planned gift.
SHARE is a member of Community Health Charities and a 2016 Top-Rated Nonprofit by Great Nonprofits.
Bank and Investment Accounts
You have the option to leave instructions with your bank or investment institution naming a beneficiary to receive the contents of any account upon your passing. These are sometimes known as “payable on death” or “transfer on death” accounts.
All you have to do is complete a form provided by your financial institution. You do not have to change your will or work with an attorney or an accountant. There are no fees to arrange such a gift. You retain complete control over the funds or assets in the account while you are living, and these gifts are completely revocable.
The information that should be included about SHARE is as follows:
SHARE Cancer Support
165 West 46th Street, Suite 712
New York, NY 10036
Federal Tax ID # 13-3131914
If you do make SHARE a beneficiary, please let us know so we can thank you. Please contact Athena Efter, Associate Development Director, at or 212-937-5581.
We encourage you to consult with your legal and financial advisors when considering a planned gift.
SHARE is a member of Community Health Charities and a 2016 Top-Rated Nonprofit by Great Nonprofits.