SHARE Cancer Support’s Pink & Teal Seminar offers a vital, no-cost service to businesses and organizations, aiming to empower employees with essential, lifesaving knowledge. This seminar delivers critical information on the signs and symptoms of breast and gynecologic cancers, equipping your employees or colleagues with the insights they need to proactively manage their health.
Play Video about SHARE Cancer Support's Pink & Teal Semina
What to Expect
A facilitated zoom presentation of our 18-minute educational video with introduction and post-viewing Q&A session with a trained SHARE representative who is a cancer survivor or caregiver. This can also be done in-person in New York City.
An educational materials toolkit including referrals for support – provided in digital and hard-copy formats.
Continuous on-demand access to our Pink & Teal Educational Video to support convenient viewing by your employees, on their own time. Our video provides crucial, easy to understand, up-to-date information about signs and symptoms of breast and gynecologic cancers.
Schedule Your Seminar
If you would like to schedule a Pink & Teal presentation at your place of work or for your community group, please call Athena Efter: 212.937.5581 or fill out the form below: