Blood Clots and Cancer: What You Need to Know

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Did you know 1 in 5 blood clots are related to cancer and its treatment? Treatments involving hospitalization, surgery, chemotherapy, and hormonal therapy can increase your blood clot risk. In collaboration with the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA), this program aims to inform all cancer patients about the risk of blood clots. The speaker, Jeffrey Zwicker, M.D. is Chief of Hematology Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center. He will share ways to reduce your risk by presenting some of the best ways to protect yourself from life-threatening blood clots. We will have two patients share their stories about blood clots: Olympia Cepeda, MPH, a breast cancer patient and the Director of LatinaSHARE and Senior Outreach, and Heidi Kugler, who is an ovarian cancer patient and member of SHARE's Ongoing Ovarian Cancer Support Group.

This program is in collaboration with the National Blood Clot Alliance (NBCA).

jeffrey-zwickerJeffrey Zwicker, MD, Chief of Hematology Service at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center
olympia-cepedaOlympia Cepeda, MPH, a breast cancer patient and the Director of LatinaSHARE and Senior Outreach
heidi-kuglerHeidi Kugler, an ovarian cancer patient and member of SHARE's Ongoing Ovarian Cancer Support Group


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Wednesday, 3-4pm ET
Mar 22

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