Breast and Ovarian Cancer Support for Women of African Descent

For the time being, SHARE will shift our usual in-person support groups to conference call dial-in options and/or videoconferencing. This means that instead of meeting in-person, both participants and facilitators can call in via a toll-free number or videoconference during the time of your regular group. For more information, please call our Helpline at 844-ASK-SHARE.

This support group is dedicated to the needs of women of the African Diaspora that are currently or have gone through treatment for breast or ovarian cancer. Women may join at any time. Registration is required for new participants.


Register below or call 844.ASK.SHARE (844.275.7427).


Harlem SHARE - Countee Cullen Library

104 W 136th St., New York, NY 10030 Manhattan

Countee Cullen Library 104 W 136th St, Auditorium New York, NY 10030 (Near the corner of 136 & Malcolm X Blvd)

Meets in the auditorium.

Near the 2, 3 Subway at the 135th Street Station.

1st Tuesday: 6-7:30pm ET 3rd Tuesday 4:00-5:30pm ET

January 5 February 16 March 2, 16

Register Online

National Helpline: