Let's Talk About It: Breast Cancer (Chemo Education - The History and Why Chemo Is Often Part of Cancer Treatment)
This is a new format and category to open up monthly programming for the entire early-stage breast cancer community. Some topics will be broad and others will be specific to subtypes (TNBC, DCIS, ILC, IDC, and Inflammatory). We want to encourage discussion and foster community.
Chemo Education - The History and Why Chemo Is Often Part of Cancer Treatment
Did you know chemotherapy was established for early-stage breast cancer in the 1980s? Chemo was first developed at the beginning of the 20th century but was not originally intended as a cancer treatment until World War II. Join our speaker Sara Horton, MD, the Executive Director, of Access and Diversity at Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative, and learn about the evolution of cancer chemotherapy and how it became used in breast cancer.
Sara Horton, MD, the Executive Director, of Access and Diversity at Quantum Leap Healthcare Collaborative
Register to get instructions to join.
6-7pm ET
Oct 17