Equity in Supportive Oncology and Palliative Care for Patients With Early-Stage or Advanced Cancers
The language around Palliative Care is often confused with end-of-life and/or hospice and carries a significant stigma. Because of this, many institutions use the term 'supportive oncology', which is more comprehensive in addressing patients' and families' physical, social, psychological, and spiritual needs. This program is intended for all cancers to better understand their supportive care needs, especially those with advanced cancers. Some of the topics our esteemed panelists will discuss are:
- What is palliative care/supportive oncology and when to think about this care option
- Address systemic racism for patients of color and ways to attain health equity as the standard of care
- ACCESS-Care study to gain insight into care partners ("cancer caregivers") to discuss their experiences, suggestions for supportive environments
Melissa Mazor, PhD, MS, RN, Assistant Professor, Division of General Internal Medicine at Mount Sinai
Debora Afezolli, MD, Assistant Professor, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine at Mount Sinai
Dolores Moorehead, MS APCC, Community Engagement Director and Client Support Clinician at the Women’s Cancer Resource Center (WCRC)
Cardinale Smith, MD, PhD Chief Medical Officer, Tisch Cancer Hospital, The Mount Sinai Hospital
Debora Afezolli, MD, Assistant Professor, Geriatrics and Palliative Medicine at Mount Sinai
Dolores Moorehead, MS APCC, Community Engagement Director and Client Support Clinician at the Women’s Cancer Resource Center (WCRC)
Cardinale Smith, MD, PhD Chief Medical Officer, Tisch Cancer Hospital, The Mount Sinai Hospital
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Thursday, 1-2pm ET
Apr 13