
New Year, New Conversations, New Resources: Shifting Narratives on Cervical Cancer and Sexual Health


New Year, New Conversations, New Resources: Shifting Narratives on Cervical Cancer and Sexual Health

January marks a new year and new beginnings. While achieving a healthier lifestyle is a New Year’s resolution for many, sexual health is often overlooked and seen as taboo. Discussing sexual history and sexually-transmitted diseases is difficult, even with a doctor.

January is also Cervical Cancer Awareness Month. And SHARE understands the importance of this opportunity to deepen awareness, promote education, and highlight the new resources we’ve developed since the launch of our cervical cancer program in 2022.

More than 14,000 individuals in the United States are diagnosed with invasive cervical cancer each year, a statistic that underscores the critical need for an open dialogue. Cervical cancer is one of the most preventable cancers, with HPV-vaccination and appropriate screening playing a key role. Misinformation, mistrust in healthcare, and racial disparities are the realities that patients–and SHARE–need to combat to improve health outcomes.

Uncomfortable conversations can help change the narrative. Knowledge truly is power.

Join us on LIVE! Last year we launched LIVE programs, providing space for open conversations, experts to share insights, and participants to ask questions or share their experiences in real-time. This month, we are hosting three LIVEs discussing the basics of HPV and cervical cancer, coping mechanisms for those diagnosed, and your own body image after cancer:

In a Nutshell: HPV and Cervical Cancer – Facebook Live
Wednesday, Jan 17

Ask the Expert: How to Cope with the Psychosocial Impact of Cervical Cancer – Instagram Live
Wednesday, Jan 24

Cervical Chat: Embracing Your Beauty Amidst Cancer – Instagram Live
Wednesday, Jan 31

Text us! Have questions about your PAP smear results? Need information about treatment options? Or just want to know more about SHARE? You can text our cervical cancer program to talk with someone who can help, whether or not you’ve been diagnosed with cervical cancer:

Text us: 612.444.7325
Or you can still call us: 332.600.1057

Answering your most searched questions! How is cervical cancer detected? Does the HPV vaccine only prevent cervical cancer? Can I get the HPV vaccine if I have had HPV? These are the most searched questions about cervical cancer and HPV–and we have answers. Follow us throughout January on social media for our video series:


Our New Year’s resolution remains clear: Ensure that no one has to face cancer alone. This Cervical Cancer Awareness Month, let’s unite in sharing knowledge, challenging taboos, and taking proactive steps towards improving health outcomes.

Join us in this crucial conversation. Your voice and your health matter.
