
SHARE’s Support Line is There For You


SHARE’s Support Line is There For You

SHARE’s Support Line is at the heart of our work. Anyone who has been diagnosed with breast, ovarian, uterine, cervical, or metastatic breast cancer, cares about someone who has been diagnosed, or even just has a question about one of these diseases is welcome to call. They will reach a trained, knowledgeable volunteer with their own cancer experience.

SHARE’s Support Line is a wonderful resource for information about your diagnosis and treatment, as well as a full range of SHARE’s free services that may be useful to you. Sometimes, most importantly, our Support Line volunteers are there to listen and support you through any emotional challenges you may face.

Here are some first-hand experiences from those who give and get support from our Support Line!

“As a breast cancer survivor/thriver, I know firsthand the uncertainty that comes with a diagnosis. The SHARE Cancer Support Support Line is a lifeline, offering valuable information, resources, a compassionate ear, and the support you need to keep going.” – Laticha

“When I was going through breast cancer treatment, I didn’t know anyone else who had gone through the same. So I didn’t know things like: What is chemo REALLY like? How hard will it be to try to still work full-time at my job while on chemo? When a doctor gives me a choice of surgical options, how do I decide what is best? Etc. And, most importantly, why do I never see any young women my age getting cancer treatment? Do they all die? I volunteer on the SHARE Support Line so I can be there to answer the type of questions I wish someone had been there for me to answer. It’s a highly rewarding privilege every day to hear at the end of most phone calls just how much I’ve been able to make someone’s breast cancer journey easier. I’m making a difference. No one should have to face breast cancer alone.” – Vicky

We invite you to call our Support Line whenever you may need it!

English: 844.ASK.SHARE (844.275.7427)

Español: 1.800.314.6948

華語: 1.800.889.7280
