Getting Our Fair SHARE – Join us this June!

We’re looking forward to seeing you on June 21 and 22 at Getting Our Fair SHARE: 2023 Conference to End Health Disparities, in person, and in NYC at the Marriott Downtown! This third annual conference will be focused on finding solutions and taking action - and we need you to participate. Register for free here now to join the patients, advocates, medical and corporate professionals who are gathering to make a difference and improve outcomes.

This year’s conference will feature keynote speakers exploring what progress we have made on health disparities, and what remains to be done. The conference will also include a series of panels that will drill down on topics critical to different racial, ethnic and identity groups: Surviving Cancer While Black, Ambassadors and Community Health Workers in Latina Communities: What’s Working and Why, and the Impact of the Model Minority Myth on Asian American Healthcare. Each panel will bring together leaders in the field, from community advocates to medical practitioners including: Dr. Vivian Bea; Megan Edmonds, Ph.D; Hetty Cunningham, MD; Vanessa Leung; Sandra Morales; and Laytoya Cauley.

We will be looking at what has been working, and what barriers exist in specific communities. We’ll also be sharing our own perspectives in breakout sessions, and moving the ball forward on solutions that are working. Join the conversation, and keep doing the work to end health disparities!

National Helpline: